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Emotional Intelligence

While general mental ability (IQ) is an important component in predicting performance, it is only ONE

element in an often complicated formula. Over the last 10 years, there has been an increasing focus on

Emotional Intelligence / Emotional Quotient (EI / EQ) in concert with general mental ability in assessing and

predicting job performance. EI is defined as a personality trait or willingness to perceive, understand,

regulate, and express emotions within the self as well as others. There are 6 core areas of emotional

intelligence we measure in predicting performance:

• Recognition of Emotion in the Self – being in touch with one’s own feelings and describing them

in words

• Regulation of Emotion in the Self – being able to control one’s own emotions, particularly in

challenging scenarios

• Recognition of Emotion in Others – being in touch with others’ nonverbal cues

• Regulation of Emotion in Others – being able to manage others’ emotional states

• Nonverbal Emotional Expression – communicating one’s feelings to others through nonverbal


• Empathy – understanding others’ emotions by relating them to one’s own experience

While many don’t ascribe a title to it, we’ve all worked with people that have a “low” EI. It seems as if they

just don’t “get it” and have trouble seeing relatively obvious signs of irritation, dissatisfaction, resentment, or

have difficulty in keeping their emotions under control. Even with a superior IQ, one’s lack of EI often leads

to alienation with co-workers, customers, vendors, and maladaptive behaviors.

With four generations in the workplace, multi cultural environments, global markets, and the increasing

requirement to be adaptable, it is no secret why the focus on EI has come center stage.

The challenge with EI, IQ, and other predictive performance measures is how they are weighted respective to

the company’s environment, role and job responsibilities. Jobs in the “hard sciences” may require a heavier

weighting on IQ while jobs in general management, human resources, and operations may require a higher

weighting on EQ. External factors also play a critical role in determining how you might weight the

importance of IQ, EI, or other measures. These external factors may include: the maturity of the

business/industry, corporate culture, market pressures, or business life cycle.

As with IQ, most individuals are born with a general emotional intelligence, however, we believe that most

of the EI constructs are learned capabilities. The way in which we were brought up, schooling, peer

influences, chosen field of study, work experiences, etc. all play a role in the development of EI. We believe

that anyone can improve their EI, within reasonable parameters, to become more adaptable in dealing with

the realities of today’s quickly changing landscape. For more information on objectively assessing EQ you

can email .


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